Why Professional Mould Remediation is better than DIY Mould Removal ?
Mould is one of the most dangerous contaminants that can be found in your household. If you are concerned about mould growth on your carpet, this article will provide you with some guidance on what to do about it.
Mould is basically any fungus that grows in your home without sunlight or fresh air. Most molds actually require high levels of moisture to grow…they usually begin after a flood or a water leak. Mould can also start growing in your carpet if it is not cleaned properly. If you have been noticing black spots on your carpet, this is actually mould growing inside the carpet pad and the underlying flooring material. Mould can also be caused by excess humidity or condensation. Mould can affect not just your carpet, but also any fabric that is in your home. Moulds are commonly found on walls, ceilings and especially on carpets.
Mould will grow anywhere there is excess moisture or high humidity. Mould spores are also spread through the air by wind, so mould growth is not necessarily confined to one spot. Mould removal can be quite challenging because mould actually penetrates the carpet material to feed itself; mould cannot grow directly on top of the surface. Moulds will send feeding roots deep into the carpet to absorb moisture and nutrients, which is why it is not always possible to remove moulds by simply vacuuming them up. Moulds are quite resilient, they can regrow even if you remove the visible signs. Moulds release spores in order to reproduce themselves when conditions are favourable. These spores are easily moved by wind currents and will start growing in other locations if the conditions are adequate. Moulds also produce mycotoxins, which are poisonous chemicals that can cause health problems. Moulds are actually associated with allergies, respiratory problems and even some forms of cancer. Mould removal must be performed by professional mould remediators because you simply cannot remove mould on your own. Moulds must be removed before the roots penetrate too far into the carpet…otherwise removing mould will not do any good. Mould carpet cleaning melbourne must be treated at their roots so the growth can be stopped.
Professional carpet steam cleaning Melbourne have special equipment and products that can remove mould from deep within carpet, which is why it is far safer for them to perform the job…they know how to protect themselves from harmful spores and mycotoxins. Mould removal in a home is a very difficult and time consuming task…even if you’re an expert, it could take several hours to complete the job. Moulds can also return even after they have been removed, in which case more mould removal may be required. Mould in carpet is definitely not good for your health so professional carpet steam cleaning Sydney treatment would definitely be the best option. Mould does need water to grow, but it can also survive in high humidity conditions. Moulds absorb moisture through the tiny breathing pores on their surface. Mould spores are basically floating around in your home 24/7; mould can begin growing when there is sufficient moisture in the area.
Mould colonies typically appear when the relative humidity exceeds 70 percent; this means that there is sufficient moisture in the air. Moulds will begin growing as soon as the relative humidity exceeds 55 percent…and this can happen even if there is no standing water. Moulds need water to grow, but they won’t stop growing just because you dry out your carpet or walls. Mould spores are airborne and wind currents can carry them for miles…the spores can literally land anywhere and begin growing. Moulds are often found on moist, porous surfaces such as concrete or wood. Mould will grow on any surface where there is moisture present…even if the water is coming from inside your home.