The Impact of Roof Shingle Nailing on Wind Damage!
It may appear that a roofing project is simple, but it’s actually quite complex. This is where DIY’ers and professionals can get seriously confused. These mistakes can lead to roof failure in a short time compared to the normal roof life expectancy. It is important to find a contractor who has a good reputation and is well-versed in the importance of nailing and wind damage prevention.
It is best to explain how to properly nail a building top. Standard asphalt shingles require that you read the instructions of the manufacturer on the location of the nails. Because requirements vary from brand to brand, it is important to follow these instructions. Manufacturers have proven that their products work best when tacking in the recommended areas. It is equally important to ensure that the nail head is flush with the shingle surface. This will prevent premature aging and damage from heavy winds. It is important to use a hammer rather than a nail gun to ensure nails are securely fastened.
Pneumatic guns
There are many reasons why pneumatic guns don’t work well for asphalt shingles. But the main reason is that they can’t control the depth at the which the nail is sink. Nails are often sunk too deeply with their heads pushed down below flush. This causes cracks or dimples. This can cause damage to the shingle as well as those below it. Contractors who use pressure guns are more concerned with speed than accuracy. Sometimes, they don’t realize the enormous mistake made by this technique.
The correct tacking depends on the nail being driven perpendicularly to the roof angle. This can be easier when driving in by hand. It is easy to drive a nail in the wrong direction with a pneumatic gun. This can leave one side of your head exposed and the other too deep. This can lead to a weak spot that could allow wind to enter the shingles and cause them to start peeling. Imagine the problems that could arise if a whole building’s top was fastened in this manner!
A pneumatic gun might be better than hand-driving in certain situations. For example, when the decking is not able to support the weight of the load. These situations are rare, however. Although it still has its problems, a pneumatic gun can sometimes be used to install a roof without causing any damage to the structure or decking.
Hand nailing is the most effective and efficient method to install shingles. This is especially true for wind damage prevention. If the product gets damaged during the installation, it is not worth the effort. These issues are often not apparent for many years, and if they do, it will be necessary to repair or replace the structure. It is crucial to hire a professional builder who can properly install shingles using hand-driven nails. This will ensure that your roof is strong enough to withstand the harshest weather conditions for many years.
Are you ready to hire A Old TIme Roofing roofing contractor to help with your next building project?
This post was written by Ted Williams! Ted is the owner of A Old Time Roofing which offers roofing in St Petersburg FL. Ted is a Master Elite Weather Stopper GAF Roofing Contractor, a double award winner of Best Steep-Slope Contractor from GAF and achiever of Master Elite Consumer Protection Excellence from GAF. He has been serving the Pinellas County area since 1978. Old Time Roofing has a tradition of quality workmanship, servicing residential and commercial properties.