Should You Be Worried About a Spider Infestation in Your Home?
For a lot of people, the presence of spiders in their homes is already a nightmare in itself. Seeing a spider can make them run and scream from where they find the pest or get something to smash it. However, are spiders a threat in your household?
While a spider or two may not be a cause for concern, seeing a lot of them can alter the general ambiance of your house. Spider webs hanging on your ceiling are unpleasant to look at. So, if you are concerned about the presence of spiders in your house, contact a spider control professional to help you get rid of them. Read on to know when you might want to get rid of spiders or let them pass you by:
The Majority of Spiders are Not Dangerous and Aggressive
While most spiders are venomous, not all of them are dangerous. Spiders may just bite you to defend themselves. For instance, the Black Widow plays dead more frequently than it attacks and often does this when it is threatened. But, if the spider bites, you must see a doctor right away. Often, spiders stay out of sight, and spiders such as the cellar spider, American house spider, and wolf spider can help get rid of other pests like flies.
If You Have a Spider Infestation, You May Also Have a Bug Issue
As with other insects, spiders have to eat and they can be seen in your home in abundance when they can get bugs there. Although spiders are creepy, they can be a kind of alert system for other, possibly scary bugs. But even if you only find spiders outside of your house, you may want to find a pest control program to handle both spider and bug problems.
How to Protect Your Home from Spiders
To reduce the number of spiders living in your house, get rid of what attracts them. Ensure you clean all the storage areas such as the basement regularly, keeping them free of debris and clutter. While spiders do not consume human food, keeping your kitchen clean and free of food waste can help get eliminate them. Food scraps will attract insects that spiders prey on.
Ensure all cracks and gaps outside your house are sealed. Keep excess vegetation trimmed regularly, so it does not touch the external wall. Lastly, get rid of any spider web you can find either inside or outside your house.